It's been such an awesome week!!! Whoop!! Whoop!!! It started off with the most entertaining lectures ever...the first professor we had, spoke as well English as I speak French...meaning he was by no means equipped to teach a class. He nonetheless really made an effort and at the end of his 3 hour slot he sounded totally exhausted when he announced: "You do this theories alone and tomorrow, we game!" Bless him...This was followed by a very different type of lecture in the afternoon...Robert works as freelance brand management consultant and seemed to have an endless amount of contemporary business examples and lots of other tricks up his sleeve...He did by no means fail to impress us with his extensive knowledge and interesting way of telling us about his clients, campaigns and work experiences...However, the really entertaining bit was that he seemed to totally mistake us for small school children. In the first lesson he "caught" someone with a phone...and "threatened" to collect it. I was already expecting him to ask me to spit out my chewing gum before I enter the class room. But instead of that he said a few even more ridiculous things...When one of my course mates stood up to go to the restroom he asked her where she thought she was going. Really, she should be able to control her bodily functions better...Yes - that's a quote! Followed by the question (also quote) whether she at least had an excuse: "Do you have diarrhea?" And then to make things even better - he asked her to please bring a bucket to class from now on! I was gobsmacked...I first didn't know whether to laugh or cry...but quickly opted for the first! How hilarious! We could have filled him in at that point in time that the majority of us was in their mid-or late twenties and had taken out a student loan worth the equivalent of buying a small flat outside of London...but actually, being treated like school kids for an entire week was much more fun!!! This way we also got away with giggling away when he told us that the reason Pampers Kandoo moist toilet paper for children smells of sweets comes down to Freud...according to Psychoanalysis, establishing an association between oral and anal aspects is key in order to successfully market to toddlers...Well, not sure about that one...but it surely was an interesting concept!
So classes were extraordinary entertaining as well as really educating (in various ways...) and most importantly: lots of fun! Since this stay in France costs me an arm & a leg on top of irreversible damage to my bladder, I better enjoy it ; )
Strict teachers' aside, people remain to be extraordinary helpful. One girl in my class researched which gym was nearest to my house and send me an email with various suggestions, another French guy from uni helped me to fill out numerous documents that I needed in order to satisfy France' strong appetite for bureaucracy and somebody from the library came running after me cause she had been told by a colleague that a blonde German girl had been looking for some books she could practice her French with...and since there is only so many blonde Germans walking down the corridors of ESCEM she found me straight away&offered her help.
Really cool - after the rather harsh treatment everybody has to get used to when living in London - this university feels kinda cuddly : )
My other highlights included the beautiful February sunshine (it actually looked reasonable to run around with sun glasses & not stupid+pretentious as normally for this time of the year) and my run in with the French boys...They could very well be Italian if you asked me...one of them pulled it off to invite me to come with him to Paris and ask another girl for her number at approximately the same point in time. I am not sure whether that is supposed to represent good or bad time management skills. Either way, I was quite amazed ; ) And then there was the invitation we received from the mayor of Poitiers himself...All the international students were invited to a reception at the town hall - we are seemingly the VIPs of Poitiers! If that isn't something! But what a sweet gesture - even though the cocktails they had promised turned out to be mixed fruit juices.

But my biggest highlight out of this action-packed week was the massive parcel I received from Germany...which included lots of chocolate, comics, a game, a really cozy bath robe and most of all - lots of love from the best friend one could ever imagine. Sorry to get a little tacky and tearful here...but I can't help it! That parcel will go down in history for being the coolest parcel ever and could have only been topped by Sascha actually being in it!
Just one last revelation of France and the French...they use unisex toilets! I don't know why - but I hadn't be aware of that at all...It's the best thing ever - if you wanna make some friends just hang out at in the restroom at a bar! The only downside - it makes sex in public toilets kinda less of a challenge ; )
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